Daily Habits to Better Oral Health
You might not be aware that some small everyday items can assume major roles in your dental health if you just let them.
Sugar-free Gum
Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals and snacks has been proven to help keep teeth healthy. According to the Oral Health Foundation, chewing on sugar-free gum stimulates the production of saliva which in turns helps to neutralize plaque acids. It increases the amount of saliva we produce, which is the body’s natural defense system for our mouth and teeth. It helps wash away food particles before they become trapped on, around or in between our teeth. It also helps remineralize tooth enamel, which helps to strengthen our teeth. Gives fresh breath, too.
New Toothbrush
Replacing your toothbrush at least every 3 months or as soon as you start to see wear on the bristles can do your health a lot of good. A new, good quality toothbrush can do better work. Dentists sometimes recommend using an electric toothbrush as it has proven to be quite effective in helping clean our teeth. Remember to be gentle on your teeth and gums. Hard brushing can destroy enamel and bruise soft tissue.
Fluoride in Toothpaste
Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by slowing the breakdown of enamel and increasing the rate of the remineralization, thus strengthening the teeth. It helps to discourage the growth of bacteria. Check the presence of fluoride in the toothpaste you buy and have regular mouth-wash with fluoride in them also. Know if your community water supply is also fluoridated; studies show that there is lowered incidence of cavities and decay in areas where the water system incorporates fluoride.
This is another simple, everyday tool that contributes to oral health. At least once-a-day flossing before retiring to bed can assist your tooth-brushing routine. With proper flossing, you remove food debris stuck in-between your teeth as well as under the gumline. This removes the chances of bacteria starting in surfaces your toothbrush cannot reach.
Knowledge is Power in Bellingham
Know more about simple stuff that play major roles in good oral health. More importantly, keeping your dental appointments enables you to really be on top of things where your teeth and gums are concerned.