When is Your Next Dental Appointment?
Something is always keeping you from making it, isn’t it? You think that since you’re into good oral hygiene – best choice toothbrush, paste and floss, proper techniques, faithful regularity – you may not need to see the dentist yet. However, that does not guarantee a caries-free existence.
Though it can significantly reduce your risks for developing tooth decay, you cannot make accurate assessment of each tooth state of health as a professional can. You are likely to miss beginning cavities, misjudge gum swelling, or not know root and jawbone conditions. Regular dental appointments take the guesswork out of oral health maintenance.
The American Dental Association recommends you come for visits every six months. That’s because it’s essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. Consider dental check ups for regular cleaning at least twice a year. It’s a standard hygiene routine so that your dentist gets to see any forming disease state of your oral structures.
As part of a thorough dental examination, each tooth will be examined for tooth decay, cracks, misalignment, or discoloration He will pay special attention to plaque and tartar because they can build up in a very short time especially if oral hygiene is poor. The health of your gums will be evaluated, he’ll perform a head and neck examination, a face examination, and look into the mouth for any indications of diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or oral cancer. He will also include examination of your saliva, bite, and jaw movement.
Aside from health and cosmetic reasons, regular appointments are small dental lessons to keep in mind. You will learn about the pros and cons of certain habits you may have acquired that will impact dental health, and will be trained to look at signs and symptoms of potential hazards.
Keeping Dental Appointments in Bellingham
Over at Dr. Tetrick, we help you remember your appointments with our regular and friendly follow-ups. Visits to us can turn into a healthy habit, being your health partners every step of the way.