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When A Tooth Cavity Hurts Before and After Filling

Dental Fillings and Associated Pain

If you have pain in your teeth or in your gums, chances are you may have cavity symptoms. Pain is usually associated with the presence of a cavity, though not always so. The degree of pain may depend on the extent of your tooth decay, and the treatment required would also depend on how far gone is the decay. When you visit your dentist, a dental filling can be recommended as a treatment option.

Dental fillings can relieve cavity pain and they are commonly used. Firstly, your dentist will numb the area where there’s a cavity, clean out the decayed material, and apply the dental filling material sealing that affected area where the cavity had been. After you are done with the procedure, you thought your troubles are over. It can happen and it is not unusual that you experience pain after the fillings. Why is that so? There are some reasons why it happens.

Tooth Sensitivity after Fillings

One is tooth sensitivity. A tooth that has just had a filling will be more sensitive to hot foods and cold foods, air temperature, and the biting pressure. It should resolve within a few weeks. If not, contact your dentist. Another reason is cracked or loose tooth fillings. If the filling is not fitting properly to the tooth, or if it develops cracks. If you suspect that, contact your dentist. Another is an allergic reaction to tooth fillings. Some people have allergic reactions to the material used for their fillings, such as silver. Be sure you discuss known allergies with your dentist.

So what can you do? At least avoid hot and cold foods after you’ve had a tooth filling. Also, use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth; it can minimize sensitivity and tooth pain after filling.

You can reduce your risk of tooth pain after filling a cavity by avoiding common sensitive teeth triggers, including very hot or cold foods. In addition, toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help minimize the possible sensitivity and tooth pain after filling a cavity.

You might also experience soreness after a cavity filling, in fact, sore teeth and gums are common after many dental procedures. Whether you suffer from short-term sore teeth after receiving a filling or long-term sensitive teeth, it is important to follow a complete oral care routine.

  • Resort to gentle brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Floss softly and gently as well using a floss that is shred-resistant.
  • Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth.


Dental Fillings in Bellingham

Do you have a cavity that’s causing you pain, discomfort or sensitivity? Come visit us for a consultation and treatment.